Demystifying the Bill of Quantities: A Comprehensive Guide

Construction projects require accurate and detailed documentation to ensure smooth execution and successful completion. One crucial document in construction project management is the Bill of Quantities. The BOQ serves as a comprehensive list of all the materials, labour, and services required for a construction project, along with their corresponding quantities and prices. In this article,Continue reading “Demystifying the Bill of Quantities: A Comprehensive Guide”

Tender and Bid

Tender and Bid are common terms you come across when dealing with procurement of services in the construction industry. Usually, the two terms are used interchangeably, although their meanings vary. What is the Difference Between Tender and Bid? Both tender and bid are standard terms you will encounter in the tendering process. Mainly, organizations useContinue reading “Tender and Bid”

What is critical path method?

Critical path definition What is the critical path method? The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management methodology often used by construction project managers to determine the time a project should take from start to completion. critical path method refers to a sequence of activities taking the longest overall duration to complete and theyContinue reading “What is critical path method?”

What is selective tendering?

Among various types of tendering methods, selective tendering allows only selected vendors to place bids. In other words, only prequalified vendors can put their proposals in the bidding process. Selection criteria for prequalification may be set based on the nature of the project, vendor’s capabilities and past performances. In most cases, clients are requesting vendorsContinue reading “What is selective tendering?”

Why Work breakdown structure is No 01 important for a project?

Proper coordination and planning are the vital ingredients of a successful project. A project consists of many unimaginable tasks and work elements. The secret of accurate planning is identifying these many tasks, dividing them into small manageable tasks, and creating coordination between tasks. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a systematic and refined way ofContinue reading “Why Work breakdown structure is No 01 important for a project?”

Liquidated damages/Delay damages in construction

The short norm for the “Liquidated damages” is known as “LD”. The main intention of liquidated damage is to cover the client against the Contractor’s time-related obligations. If the Contractor breaches the contract, the client can ask (deduct) predetermined sum agreed as “liquidated damages” or “Delay damages”. The principal of Liquidated Damages/ Delay Damages LetContinue reading “Liquidated damages/Delay damages in construction”